Is it Time to Seek Help From a Podiatric Surgeon in Racine, WI?

by | Aug 2, 2016 | Health Care


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Foot and ankle pain has more of an impact on day-to-day activities than most people realize. It’s only when that type of discomfort develops that the individual fully understands why it was so hard for others to get around. While some cases can be treated using non-invasive means, other situations require surgery. Here are some signs that seeing a Podiatric Surgeon in Racine WI is the only possible solution.

Swelling and Inflammation

No matter what else is tried, nothing seems to prevent the swelling from coming back. The fact is that the only thing that will make a difference is to undergo a surgical procedure. An examination by a Podiatric Surgeon in Racine WI will determine if the time for such a procedure has arrived or if there is one more approach to try before taking that step. Even if surgery is the only viable option, the relief it provides will make the recuperative period worth every second.

Damage From an Accident

In some cases, the underlying cause is damage sustained during an accident. This can lead to torn tissue, damage to the bones, and a number of other factors. The work of the surgeon can ease the pain, make sure everything is back in alignment, and may even include the installation of whatever is needed to replace bones that cannot be rebuilt. After recovery and a reasonable amount of physical therapy, the patient will once again be able to move about with ease.


There are times when infections trigger foot and ankle pain. Depending on the amount of damage done by the infection, it may be necessary to remove tissue and maybe even some of the bone structure. The surgeon will know what means to use to replace anything that has to be removed and ensure the infection will not be back.

There’s no reason to suffer from foot and ankle pain. Visit Great Lakes Foot Ankle Centers today and arrange for a professional to conduct a complete examination. Once the results are in, it will be easier to determine what type of procedure would be in the best interests of the patient.

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