Answers to Common Questions About Hair Transplants in CT

by | Mar 31, 2020 | Hair Restoration


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For people losing their hair, hair transplants might be the solution they have been searching for. But surgery seems like a big step, and patients have many questions. Here are several answers to common questions associated with hair transplants.

What Types of Hair Transplants Are There?

There are two different approaches to hair transplant surgery: follicular unit transplant (FUT) and follicular unit excision (FUE). Both are slight variations of the same surgery. During a hair transplant, the goal is simple: we removed strong, immune hair follicles from the sides and back of the scalp and transplant them to the bald and thinning regions where they will take permanent root and grow indefinitely.
The difference comes in the way we harvest the follicles. In an FUT procedure, a small strip of hair-bearing skin is removed from the donor region. The strip is then dissected into the individual follicles under microscopes and transplanted individually to the bald/thinning regions. In an FUE procedure, small tools are used to remove the individual follicles “one-by-one.” After the follicles are removed, they are reviewed under microscopes and implanted in the same manner as an FUT procedure. Both procedures are minimally invasive, create minimal scarring, and lead to natural results. There are “pros and cons” to both, and these should be discussed with your hair transplant doctor during a consultation.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Hair Transplant?

Although most patients feel good the next day and go back to normal activity with a hat only a few days after surgery, it takes 10-14 days to fully “recover” from a hair transplant. The procedure itself should be done in one sitting, and you will go home the same day. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication and antibiotics. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions exactly. Do not wear shirts or jackets that require you to pull them over your head for several days. Do not aggressively wash or brush your hair for at least three days. After a few days, you can do more, but it is still important to be careful with your new hair until it is completely healed at day 10.

While these are answers to several common questions, we’re sure you have more questions yourself. To read more answers or schedule a consultation to ask your own questions about a hair transplant in CT, contact Feller & Bloxham Medical at

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